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Authority is an illusion


Derived from the Latin Verb

Guverno, Guvernare meaning "To Control"

And the Latin Noun Mens, Mentis meaning "Mind"

To control the Mind

Government: Services


The Most Dangerous Religion

(Warning: Graphic content) A compilation of Larken Rose audio clips taken from various radio interviews.

Government: Video

Tax is a coerced contribution to government enforced by violence.  Coercion is force, and the government has the monopoly on force and violence through the ownership of the police and military.  Tax is a forced payment for services you may or may not use.  Theft is the taking of another persons property without their consent or permission with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

If 100% tax is theft and slavery, at what percentage is it not?


A recent bill to repeal the income tax and abolish the IRS has been introduced into US congress recently

Quote 'To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States'

Larken Rose has done some great work in demonstrating the dangers of government control and how the illusory power they have to control us is causing many issues in society.

Check out his book 'The Most Dangerous Superstition' free to download from the free books page of this site.  Here's the copyright notice from the last page: A “copyright” is usually an implied threat (“Don’t copy this, or else!”). While I hope that anyone who likes this book will buy additional copies from me, if someone does copy this book without my permission, that would not make me feel justified in using force against that person, or, my own or via “government.” I copyrighted the book primarily so that no one else could copyright it and thereby use the violence of the state to prevent me from distributing it.

Government: Text






Government: Gallery

You were born to this world with sovereignty over your mind and over your life. Your abilities to think, to feel, to learn and to love are your liberty. In you, these capacities are infinite. You have infinite worth.

Evil seeks to destroy your liberty. It seeks to be in authority over you. It does not want you to have liberty. Evil seeks to
destroy you so that it can use you as a puppet. The implementation of evil is called authority. Authorities are what evil implements as it exercises control over the lives of people. Authority limits your ability to learn, to think, to feel, to love and to grow. This is why authority is evil. Authorities are not accidents. They are specifically created by intelligent people to control you. There are two tools that evil makes use of in order to accomplish this. Both tools destroy freedom. They are culture and violence.  Each of these tools of authority have weapons which are used to attack your liberty. The weapons of violence are theft, imprisonment, torture, rape and death. The weapons of culture are law and the control of speech. Evil is implemented by force in the lives of people. Evil wants you to obey its authority. It uses the weapons of violence on everyone who will not obey. It uses the weapons of culture to sustain whatever obedience it manages to achieve.

From a powerful book called "End of All Evil' by Jeremy Locke, available for download in the free books page on this site.

An excellent article on the subject can be found here:  Joe Dubs

Government: Text

Society, in its essence, is the unification of numerous individuals through a natural, mutually constructive synergy for growth and development in which people unite to accomplish greater achievements. From Society, we get culture, which comprises the prevailing collective traditions which, when unexamined, can become detrimental.

Government, on the other hand, is a fictionally contrived institution whose primary alleged purpose is to efficiently and systematically protect people from their own vices. As such, government has its origins in the notion of controlling “the inherent evil of humanity”. As such, it is an institution fundamentally based upon force and violence. In essence, it is government’s fundamental purpose to protect life, liberty, and property (the definitions and conditions of which vary widely depending on the scope of governance and social development).

Government: Text


Authority is an Illusion


My name is Larken Rose, and you are most likely here because you have either heard about my research into the federal income tax, or you have heard about my political (or anti-political) rantings and/or books. Because the two issues are really separate, distinct issues, they are dealt with separately. So choose which path below you want. (Or you can go to the store, which has the books and other stuff having to do with both topics.)

Mutual Consent

Statement of Purpose: Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society.  We reject electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy.  Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which State power ultimately depends.


A fellow truth seeker, anarchist/voluntaryist, good vibrations, higher consciousness enthusiast. No masters no slaves, we the people are pissed and won't back down to tyrants! Either stand up and be counted or lay down and be mounted! Don't be IGNORant of information- renew your mind!

Government: List

The Tiny Dot

A situation too weird for 99.999% of people to adequately explain.

Government: Video

Government is magic

Watch in frustration as Jan Helfeld uses the socratic method to expose Sen. Inoue's inconsistent logic. But Jan, don't you know government is magic? It doesn't have to make sense!
You can't delegate a right you don't have yourself...

Government: Video
Risitas Explains the Criminal Government
I'm Allowed to Rob You!
Taxation ISN'T Theft?
(A critique)
The Only Things Governments Have Done #GovernmentIsSlavery #BeardedHeretic
Government Mob  #GovernmentIsSlavery #BeardedHeretic
You DO Have A Choice: Pay Me, or Go To Jail. (Don't Worry - I'll Buy You Lunch) #GovernmentIsSlavery
Government: Video Player

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