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Spiritual Currency

Ancient traditions knew of the pineal and enshrouded its mysteries in their lore. They knew that the pineal plays a role in our spiritual development and communication with spiritual beings. But with an increasingly toxic world, many people do not know of the innate gifts inherent to an open pineal. Find out more about the pineal, how it is affected by pollution and diet, and how you can begin to reawaken the seed of the soul.

One Eye: Welcome


Biggest religion on the Planet

One Eye: Image


Root of all evil

Mono Eye - Money

The word money breaks down to mon eye, mono being the latin word for one. The One Eye. We can either chase the true spiritual currency of enlightenment through the activation of the pineal gland, or the fake proxy given to us as money. Knowledge isn't free, you have to pay attention.

Belief System

Capitalism, Communism, Marxism are all based on MONEYISM.  Are the core root of all these systems is a scheme to transfer wealth from the people to the ruling class. We can work to transition to a world that doesn't use money


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One Eye: List

Chakra is an old Sanskrit word that literally means wheel

The Chakra System's connection with us and the 7 visible planets. Light gains frequency as it moves up the 7 chakras as the 7 visible spectrum colours of the rainbow.

Red - Root chakra, Saturn, low energy frequency, left brain, masculine yang energy, tribal instincts, cave man, domination and control. Survival mode which motivates you to stay alive, fight or flight. Necessary low form of consciousness. Dominators look to trap us in this state of consciousness through fear.

Orange - Sacrum chakra, Jupiter, desire, lust. The desire for improvement of the Self, the psyche, and for more knowledge and wisdom to move out of Base consciousness.

Yellow - Solar plexus chakra, Mars God of war. From your stomach/guts comes the will power and courage. Will power is required to do the great work to take positive action in the physical world. Nothing will change in the world if you do not activate your will power.

Green - Heart chakra, Earth Moon system - True Care, compassion, the understanding of Natural Law, caring enough to change yourself and to motivate others to evolve and to help everyone move into higher levels of consciousness.
Green is at the middle of the spectrum of visible light and is the colour of nature, it represents balance, health and life. Green food helps keep you from heart dis-ease. Green is used in many allegorical films like the green code of the matrix and the heart of Te Fiti in Moana.

Blue - Throat chakra, Venus, feminine yin energy, goddess, right brain, creativity, speech, right brain. Use your voice to speak positive truth in the world, not just about sports and celebrity gossip. If you don't activate the stomach and heart chakra then you don't have the guts or enough care to speak up about what's really going on in the world. Seek the truth, then speak the truth.

Indigo - Third eye chakra, Mercury, messenger of the God's as it’s the closest planet to the Sun. The balancing of the brain hemispheres and the activation of the pineal gland awakening true knowledge of Self.

What do you spend your time thinking about? What are you using your mind for? Knowing trivial facts, or focusing on knowledge that will help better yourself to gain wisdom, holistic intelligence. Merger between intellect and creativity (left and right brain working together).

Violet - Crown chakra, the Sun, Christ consciousness - understanding your true nature of a spiritual being, consciousness having an experience in a physical body. Understanding that we are all one.  Once this chakra is activated this person cannot be controlled by anyone as you have self-rulership, self-monarchy and become a true sovereign human being, not a human resource.


7 Chakras for beginners


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